Research grants
As Principal Investigator
- 2020-2021 MILCO (Labex DRIIHM): Monitoring the Impact of Lead contamination along the Oyapock river using Daphnia magna metabolome (8 ke)
- 2020-2021 CATCH (CNRS EMERGENCE@INC2020): Computer-assisted identification of the chemicals involved in the defence of tropical plants (70 ke)
- 2017-2020 Laboratoire Clarins (CIFRE): Metabolomics study of the flora in the Alps (45 ke)
- 2014-2019 PRIMEVEGE (DIM Analytics Ile de France) : Setup of a plant metabolomics platerform (200 ke)
- 2014-2016 AREA (DEFI ENVIROMICS CNRS): Evolutionary responses of tropical forest trees to the environment : genomic and metabolomic approaches (65 ke)
- 2014 OUMOLPO (IDRIS CNRS): In silico creation of database of putative natural compounds
As Co-investigator
- 2019-2023 ANTIDEPRIM: Anticipating, deciphering, mimicking molecular complexity of natural substances (430 ke)
- 2019-2020 Plath-Inv (PEPS ECOMOB): Les Plathelminthes terrestres invasifs : prédation sur les vers de terre et défense chimique (14 ke)
- 2017-2019 CUTICLE (Defi CNRS 2017 "Osez l’Interdisciplinarité!"): biomechanical properties of cuticles of ants from French Guiana (100 ke)
- 2014-2015 HERBAVAL (PHC PAVLE SAVIC 2014): Rationalisation of the anti-inflamatory activities of European medicinal plants (15 ke)