Summary of publication activity

Complete list of publications

L Jeanne-Julien and E Astier and R Lai-Kuen and G Genta-Jouve and E Roulland
Palladium Nanoparticle-Catalyzed Stereoretentive Cross-Coupling of Alkenyl Sulfides with Grignard Reagents
Organic letters, 2018, 1430--1434

L Jeanne-Julien and G Masson and E Astier and G Genta-Jouve and V Servajean and ...
Study of the Construction of the Tiacumicin B Aglycone
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2018, 921--929

M Vallet and M Strittmatter and P Murúa and S Lacoste and J Dupont and C Hubas and ...
Chemically-mediated interactions between macroalgae, their fungal endophytes, and protistan pathogens
Frontiers in microbiology, 2018, 3161--3161

MA Beniddir and G Genta-Jouve and G Lewin
Resolving the (19R) Absolute Configuration of Lanciferine, a Monoterpene Indole Alkaloid from Alstonia boulindaensis
Journal of natural products, 2018, 1075--1078

PO Guillen and K Calabro and KB Jaramillo and C Dominguez and G Genta-Jouve and ...
Ecdysonelactones, Ecdysteroids from the Tropical Eastern Pacific Zoantharian Antipathozoanthus hickmani
Marine Drugs, 2018, 58--58

S Afoullouss and K Calabro and G Genta-Jouve and S Gegunde and A Alfonso and R Nesbitt and ...
Treasures from the Deep: Characellides as Anti-Inflammatory Lipoglycotripeptides from the Sponge Characella pachastrelloides
Organic letters, 2018, 246--251

S Cretton and N Saraux and A Monteillier and D Righi and L Marcourt and G Genta-Jouve and ...
Anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative diterpenoids from Plectranthus scutellarioides
Phytochemistry, 2018, 39--46

S Touré and M Barthélémy and J Sorres and G Genta-Jouve and I Dusfour and V Eparvier and ...
Mucorolactone, a Macrolactone from Mucor sp. SNB-VECD13A, a Fungus Isolated from the Cuticle of a Vespidae Species
Organic letters, 2018, 3780--3783

TH Duong and MA Beniddir and G Genta-Jouve and T Aree and M Chollet-Krugler and ...
Tsavoenones A–C: unprecedented polyketides with a 1, 7-dioxadispiro [4.0. 4.4] tetradecane core from the lichen Parmotrema tsavoense
Organic \& biomolecular chemistry, 2018, 5913--5919

TH Duong and XP Ha and W Chavasiri and MA Beniddir and G Genta‐Jouve and J Boustie and ...
Sanctis A–C: Three Racemic Procyanidin Analogues from The Lichen Parmotrema sancti‐angelii
European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2018, 2247--2253

Y Zang and G Genta-Jouve and Y Zheng and Q Zhang and C Chen and Q Zhou and J Wang and ...
Griseofamines A and B: Two Indole-Tetramic Acid Alkaloids with 6/5/6/5 and 6/5/7/5 Ring Systems from Penicillium griseofulvum
Organic letters, 2018, 2046--2050

EO N’Nang Obiang and G Genta-Jouve and JF Gallard and B Kumulungui and E Mouray and ...
Pleiokomenines A and B: Dimeric Aspidofractinine Alkaloids Tethered with a Methylene Group
Organic letters, 2017, 6180--6183

F Olivon and PM Allard and A Koval and D Righi and G Genta-Jouve and J Neyts and C Apel and ...
Bioactive natural products prioritization using massive multi-informational molecular networks
ACS Chemical Biology, 2017, 2644--2651

G Genta-Jouve and OP Thomas and EL Schymanski and S Neumann
Introducing the 2016 CASMI contest
Phytochemistry Letters, 2017, 291--291

G Komlaga and G Genta-Jouve and S Cojean and RA Dickson and MLK Mensah and ...
Antiplasmodial Securinega alkaloids from Phyllanthus fraternus: Discovery of natural (+)-allonorsecurinine
Tetrahedron Letters, 2017, 3754--3756

GBB Njock and R Grougnet and A Efstathiou and D Smirlis and G Genta‐Jouve and S Michel and ...
A Nitrile Glucoside and Biflavones from the Leaves of Campylospermum excavatum (Ochnaceae)
Chemistry \& biodiversity, 2017, 1700241

L Jeanne-Julien and G Masson and E Astier and G Genta-Jouve and V Servajean and ...
Synthesis of a Tiacumicin B Protected Aglycone
Organic Letters, 2017, 4006--4009

LC Klein-Júnior and S Cretton and PM Allard and G Genta-Jouve and CS Passos and ...
Targeted Isolation of Monoterpene Indole Alkaloids from Palicourea sessilis
Journal of natural products, 2017, 3032--3037

M Perrot-Dockès and C Lévy-Leduc and J Chiquet and L Sansonnet and M Brégere and ...
A multivariate variable selection approach for analyzing LC-MS metabolomics data
arXiv preprint arXiv:1704., 2017,

PM Allard and G Genta-Jouve and JL Wolfender
Deep metabolome annotation in natural products research: towards a virtuous cycle in metabolite identification
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 2017, 40--49

Last update 26/08/2021