Summary of publication activity

Complete list of publications

J Bradbury and G Genta-Jouve and JW Allwood and WB Dunn and R Goodacre and ...
MUSCLE: automated multi-objective evolutionary optimization of targeted LC-MS/MS analysis
Bioinformatics, 2014, 975--977

K Cottet and G Genta-Jouve and Y Fromentin and G Odonne and C Duplais and O Laprévote and ...
Comparative LC–MS-based metabolite profiling of the ancient tropical rainforest tree Symphonia globulifera
Phytochemistry, 2014,

P Pérez-López and E Ternon and S González-García and G Genta-Jouve and G Feijooa and ...
Environmental solutions for the sustainable production of bioactive natural products from the marine sponge Crambe crambe
Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 71--82

S Greff and M Zubia and G Genta-Jouve and L Massi and T Perez and OP Thomas
Mahorones, Highly Brominated Cyclopentenones from the Red Alga Asparagopsis taxiformis
Journal of natural products, 2014, 1150--1155

G Genta-Jouve and L Weinberg and V Cocandeau and Y Maestro and OP Thomas and ...
Revising the absolute configurations of coatlines via density functional theory calculations of electronic circular dichroism spectra.
Chirality, 2013, 180--184

G Genta-Jouve and OP Thomas
Biosynthesis in marine sponges: the radiolabelling strikes back
Phytochemistry Reviews, 2013, 425--434

G Genta-Jouve and OP Thomas
Absolute Configuration of the New 3-epi-cladocroic Acid from the Mediterranean Sponge Haliclona fulva
Metabolites, 2013, 24--32

M Carbone and M Gavagnin and M Haber and YW Guo and A Fontana and E Manzo and ...
Packaging and delivery of chemical weapons: a defensive Trojan horse stratagem in chromodorid nudibranchs
PLoS One, 2013,

G Genta-Jouve and E Ioannou and V Mathieu and C Bruyère and F Lefranc and OP Thomas and ...
Determination of the absolute configuration and evaluation of the in vitro antitumor activity of dilospirane B
Phytochemistry Letters, 2012, 747--751

G Genta-Jouve and N Cachet and F Oberhänsli and C Noyer and JL Teyssié and OP Thomas and ...
Comparative bioaccumulation kinetics of trace elements in Mediterranean marine sponges
Chemosphere, 2012, 340--349

G Genta-Jouve and OP Thomas
Sponge chemical diversity: from biosynthetic pathways to ecological roles
Advances in marine biology, 2012, 183--230

S Bondu and G Genta-Jouve and M Leirόs and C Vale and JM Guigonis and LM Botana and ...
Additional bioactive guanidine alkaloids from the Mediterranean sponge Crambe crambe
RSC Advances, 2012, 2828--2835

EL Regalado and C Jiménez-Romero and G Genta-Jouve and D Tasdemir and P Amade and ...
Acanthifoliosides, minor steroidal saponins from the Caribbean sponge Pandaros acanthifolium
Tetrahedron, 2011, 1011--1018

G Genta‐Jouve and N Cachet and S Holderith and F Oberhänsli and JL Teyssié and ...
New insight into marine alkaloid metabolic pathways: revisiting oroidin biosynthesis
ChemBioChem, 2011, 2298--2301

G Genta‐Jouve and N Francezon and A Puissant and P Auberger and J Vacelet and T Perez and ...
Structure elucidation of the new citharoxazole from the Mediterranean deep‐sea sponge Latrunculia (Biannulata) citharistae
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2011, 533--536

G Genta‐Jouve and S Antoniotti and OP Thomas
Polyketide Assembly Mimics and Biomimetic Access to Aromatic Rings
Biomimetic Organic Synthesis, 2011, 469--502

N Cachet and EL Regalado and G Genta-Jouve and M Mehiri and P Amade and OP Thomas
Steroidal glycosides from the marine sponge Pandaros acanthifolium
Steroids, 2009, 746--750

N Cachet and G Genta-Jouve and EL Regalado and R Mokrini and P Amade and G Culioli and ...
Parazoanthines A− E, Hydantoin Alkaloids from the Mediterranean Sea Anemone Parazoanthus axinellae
Journal of natural products, 2009, 1612--1615

R Laville and G Genta-Jouve and C Urda and R Fernández and OP Thomas and F Reyes and ...
Njaoaminiums A, B, and C: Cyclic 3-Alkylpyridinium Salts from the Marine Sponge Reniera sp.
Molecules, 2009, 4716--4724

Last update 26/08/2021